On the 11th of September we organized the festival 'Gat in de Markt!' with lectures, workshops, books, food and all other sorts of inspiration. Together with Weggeefwinkel Utrecht Weggeefwinkel Utrecht The Weggeefwinkel aims for a society that is not about owning more and more stuff, money or competition, but about working together, and where sharing creates enough for everyone. The Weggeefwinkel celebrates the differences between people, and it is exactly these differences that make the ... , VOKO Utrecht VOKO Utrecht VOKO Utrecht is a food collective in Utrecht, accessible to all Utrechters. VOKO aims to make fresh, organic and locally produced food available at a fair price and to create a green community with close ties between farmers and consumers. All tasks are performed by ... , Taste Before You Waste - Utrecht Taste Before You Waste Utrecht Taste Before You Waste is originally an Amsterdam-based initiative that was founded in November 2012, focusing on the prevention of food waste. Their aim is to raise awareness about the enormous amount of good food that is thrown away every day and to inform people ... , Fablab Amersfoort FabLab Amersfoort FabLab Amersfoort is an open workspace with digital / computer controlled tools such as a 3D printer, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, and CNC milling cutter. FabLab Amersfoort is a bottom-up grassroots FabLab. Four artists decided to take matters into their own hands and not wait ... , Political Bookshop de Rooie Rat, Casco Casco - Office for Art, Design and Theory Casco is an open and public space for artistic research and experiments. We consider artistic practice as a way of engaging with the world we live in and as an investigative, imaginative, and inventive practice. The artistic practices we focus on are cross-disciplinary, open to ... , Merel Zwarts, Anja Groten, Karoline Swiezynski, Merijn Oudenampsen and Annette Krauss.
Thank you everyone for this wonderful day!

Tote bags and Utrecht Meent Het #2 journal for the taking at the entrance, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Welcome by Coco Duivenvoorde at Gat in de Markt!, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Welcome by Coco Duivenvoorde at Gat in de Markt! festival, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Gat in de Markt! festival, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Soups prepared by VOKO Utrecht and Taste Before You Waste - Utrecht, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Weggeefwinkel at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

VOKO Utrecht at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Fablab at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Workshop with Annette Krauss, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Workshop with Annette Krauss, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Workshop with Annette Krauss, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Workshop with Annette Krauss, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Taste Before You Waste - Utrecht at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Casco and Political bookshop de Rooie Rat at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Casco and Political bookshop de Rooie Rat at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Book binding workshop with Anja Groten and Karoline Swiezynski, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Children's workshop with Merel Zwarts, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Lecture by Merijn Oudenampsen, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Lecture by Merijn Oudenampsen, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Film screening of Symbiosis, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Festival visitors reading through Utrecht Meent Het #2, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

(Un)usual Business at the marketplace, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)

Visitors of Gat in de Markt! festival, photo by Whitney Stark (September 2016)